Scanning the Body’s Energy Field
Article by Phillip Hawkins
To understand the practice of ‘scanning’ we must first try to
understand the principles that make it possible. Firstly, the physical
body is in fact a complete energy system that creates a
bio-electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the physical body in the
same way that an energy field surrounds a simple magnet; it’s this
energy we tune into when we scan the body. In the same way that a
magnetic field has a core, the body’s core runs from the crown to the
perineum along which are situated seven major energy centers known as
This bio-electromagnetic field is commonly known as the ‘aura’, and the aura is a tangible extension of those energy centers and the system as a whole.
To help us further understand we need to change the way we think of
matter and what we perceive as solid objects such as the human body.
Science has long known that matter, be it plant, animal or mineral,
reduced to its sub-atomic level reaches the point where matter and
energy become indistinguishable and interchangeable. In countless tests
they also discovered that the energies being examined and observed were
being affected and directed by the thought processes of those carrying
out the research, ‘the energy was following their intent’. Their thought
processes were creating its own powerful energy field that affected how
the matter/energy reacted when observed.
Through your Reiki attunements/empowerments you are given the means and knowledge to be able with practice, to scan the body’s energy field or aura. The word attunement means ‘to be in harmony with’ and we have the potential to harmonise our energy with that of others to create an ‘energy picture’ of them. Primarily our palms provide the means by which we can achieve this, powerful energy centre’s in our palms act as transmitters and receivers providing us with the information we need to achieve this. Once again science provides the proof. Researchers in China were able to measure and quantify that the palms of people involved with energy work such as healers and Chi Gung practitioners emit a combination of infrasonic, electromagnetic, microwave and infra red energy waves.
What we perceive as the physical body is one of the many layers of energy that forms the subtle bodies that we call human beings. These bodies extend out from the physical body with the layer farthest away having the highest energetic frequency. The layers closest to the body have a lower frequency and denser composition, the closer to the body the denser the energy becomes until the energy condenses to take on the form of the physical body. The physical body, matter, is the densest form of energy in all of the subtle bodies, and it’s the varying energetic fields of the subtle bodies that provide us with the information we receive during the process of scanning.
Having looked at the principles of scanning we must turn our attention to the practice, and the differing ways of developing the intuitive skills necessary to understand the information we received during the scanning process. Development of any intuitive skill requires patience, perseverance and practice in equal measure. It also requires an acceptance from you that the answers you require from the ‘information’ you’ve received will come with experience. For your intuitive skills to grow and develop, you must acknowledge their existence and trust in them.
We each have within us a wealth of cellular memory, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is part of our genetic inheritance, your intuitive skills is a legacy to you. Your attunement awakened them but it’s up to you to cultivate them and use them, for the more they are used the stronger they become. In using your intuitive ability for the good of others you show respect to those gifts, and respect to those who have gone before you, that you may gain knowledge and understanding.
Many books and teachers will advise you to follow a set procedure when you start to scan the energy body. There is nothing wrong with looking at different ways of carrying out the scanning exercise, but you should remember that books and the information they provide are merely sign posts to show the way. Sign posts by their very nature are a fixed point of reference, a fixed position on a never ending journey of development, but only you can make that journey.
Only you can walk the path to knowledge and understanding and that will begin when you start to use the gifts that you have been given. Intuition by definition means ‘Immediate understanding by the mind without reasoning’, and by this definition we face a paradox of not being able to use reasoning, rationalisation or logic to define it for you. Words either written or spoken can’t describe the process or that moment of intuitive insight, words by their very nature are finite symbols and sounds trying to define the infinite, the limited trying to encompass the limitless.
There is only one way of experiencing your intuitive abilities and that is to experience them, understanding not with the mind but with the heart, the centre from which all intuition comes. Listen to your teachers, learn how they developed their intuitive skills and then practice the principles they have taught you. Then put away the books, put down the notes and put into practice that which you have been taught building your own catalogue of experiences and their relevant ‘meaning’ to you, in the process. Your perception is unique to you for there is no such thing as objective reality and even our intuition is subjective until we learn to define and refine our interpretation of the intuitive information we receive. All knowledge and understanding is an internal realisation to an external stimulation. The answers are within; they always have been and always will be.
Intuition; the immediate understanding without the need or desire to reason, all you have to do is accept that which is given freely and unconditionally. Take time to find that inner place of peace and tranquility, then become aware of the universe around us, and within us, in truth they are one and the same. Be still in mind, body and spirit and know that you are at one with all things. In this moment when we experience a ‘stillness of spirit’ we can begin to experience our intuition in the truest sense of the word.
This bio-electromagnetic field is commonly known as the ‘aura’, and the aura is a tangible extension of those energy centers and the system as a whole.
Many philosophers and teachers believe that the aura has seven levels
of refinement that directly responds to each of the Chakra’s, and while
there may be differences in opinions as to the number of energetic
layers, they all agree that disruptions in the aura can have a direct
and adverse effect on the bodies energy systems and through time can
manifest in the physical body as discomfort, illness or disease. Many
ancient civilisations acknowledge the aura as an antenna that connects
man with the subtle energies of
the Universe and resonate with the
Earth’s own magnetic field.Through your Reiki attunements/empowerments you are given the means and knowledge to be able with practice, to scan the body’s energy field or aura. The word attunement means ‘to be in harmony with’ and we have the potential to harmonise our energy with that of others to create an ‘energy picture’ of them. Primarily our palms provide the means by which we can achieve this, powerful energy centre’s in our palms act as transmitters and receivers providing us with the information we need to achieve this. Once again science provides the proof. Researchers in China were able to measure and quantify that the palms of people involved with energy work such as healers and Chi Gung practitioners emit a combination of infrasonic, electromagnetic, microwave and infra red energy waves.
What we perceive as the physical body is one of the many layers of energy that forms the subtle bodies that we call human beings. These bodies extend out from the physical body with the layer farthest away having the highest energetic frequency. The layers closest to the body have a lower frequency and denser composition, the closer to the body the denser the energy becomes until the energy condenses to take on the form of the physical body. The physical body, matter, is the densest form of energy in all of the subtle bodies, and it’s the varying energetic fields of the subtle bodies that provide us with the information we receive during the process of scanning.
Having looked at the principles of scanning we must turn our attention to the practice, and the differing ways of developing the intuitive skills necessary to understand the information we received during the scanning process. Development of any intuitive skill requires patience, perseverance and practice in equal measure. It also requires an acceptance from you that the answers you require from the ‘information’ you’ve received will come with experience. For your intuitive skills to grow and develop, you must acknowledge their existence and trust in them.
We each have within us a wealth of cellular memory, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is part of our genetic inheritance, your intuitive skills is a legacy to you. Your attunement awakened them but it’s up to you to cultivate them and use them, for the more they are used the stronger they become. In using your intuitive ability for the good of others you show respect to those gifts, and respect to those who have gone before you, that you may gain knowledge and understanding.
Many books and teachers will advise you to follow a set procedure when you start to scan the energy body. There is nothing wrong with looking at different ways of carrying out the scanning exercise, but you should remember that books and the information they provide are merely sign posts to show the way. Sign posts by their very nature are a fixed point of reference, a fixed position on a never ending journey of development, but only you can make that journey.
Only you can walk the path to knowledge and understanding and that will begin when you start to use the gifts that you have been given. Intuition by definition means ‘Immediate understanding by the mind without reasoning’, and by this definition we face a paradox of not being able to use reasoning, rationalisation or logic to define it for you. Words either written or spoken can’t describe the process or that moment of intuitive insight, words by their very nature are finite symbols and sounds trying to define the infinite, the limited trying to encompass the limitless.
There is only one way of experiencing your intuitive abilities and that is to experience them, understanding not with the mind but with the heart, the centre from which all intuition comes. Listen to your teachers, learn how they developed their intuitive skills and then practice the principles they have taught you. Then put away the books, put down the notes and put into practice that which you have been taught building your own catalogue of experiences and their relevant ‘meaning’ to you, in the process. Your perception is unique to you for there is no such thing as objective reality and even our intuition is subjective until we learn to define and refine our interpretation of the intuitive information we receive. All knowledge and understanding is an internal realisation to an external stimulation. The answers are within; they always have been and always will be.
Intuition; the immediate understanding without the need or desire to reason, all you have to do is accept that which is given freely and unconditionally. Take time to find that inner place of peace and tranquility, then become aware of the universe around us, and within us, in truth they are one and the same. Be still in mind, body and spirit and know that you are at one with all things. In this moment when we experience a ‘stillness of spirit’ we can begin to experience our intuition in the truest sense of the word.
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